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Salone Del Mobile Milano | Top Center Tables (Part II)

Covet House: The Best Sellers of 2018 (Part II) Covet House Covet House: The Best Sellers of 2018 (Part II) banner artigo design trends Design Trends For 2019 #4: Holographic Avant-garde gif base64 R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw holographic avant-garde Design Trends For 2019 #4: Holographic Avant-garde (Part II) gif base64 R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw milan fashion week 2019 Milan Fashion Week 2019: The Ultimate Destination For Stylish Icons gif base64 R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw trendy dining chairs Trendy Dining Chairs For 2019 banner artigo salone del mobile milano Covet House: Top Dining Chairs at Salone del Mobile Milano banner artigo salone del mobile milano Covet House: Modern Tables at Salone del Mobile Milano banner artigo salone del mobile milano Covet House: Top Lighting Designs at Salone del Mobile Milano banner artigo salone del mobile milano Salone del Mobile Milano: The Best Dining Room Sets banner artigo center table Salone Del Mobile Milano | Top Center Tables banner artigo

Salone del Mobile Milano was definitely the best place to found fresh novelties that promise to set new tendencies for the present year! A place full of breathtaking exhibitors, insightful events and trendy decor ideas, Salone del Mobile was definitely inspiring. This is the second part of “Salone Del Mobile Milano | Top Center Table”, so let’s have a look at the most incredible center tables that were presented in the tradeshow!

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Mecca by Brabbu

A center table that enchanted everyone that visited Covet House stand, Mecca is a round and golden work of art. Ready to enhance and make your interior design project greater and better, Mecca has unique details that will make you feel immersed in the vastness of a trendy luxurious world. Feel the synergy between the sensations and the memories in a contemporary ambiance with Mecca center table. Living rooms will never be the same.

Sequoia by Brabbu

Another center table that stole all the attention was Sequoia. With strong empowerment and the finest workmanshipSequoia brings to any space a truly architectural design. The distinct walnut root veneer top shows the passage of years and the base in brass with aged patina adds a refined touch. This center table proves the beauty of the action of time. Don’t miss the chance to take risks.

Lautner by Essential Home

Lautner is a center table that stands out for its curved edges and earth-tone colors from the varnished walnut wood and polished brass. Its artisan quality and crafted work provide a striking centerpiece for your home decor. It has a smoked glass on the top and a shelf at the base that offers additional storage.

Lallan by Brabbu

Lallan center table is as contemporary as it gets. New languages in the interior design field arise to give way to wonderful ambiances and contemplative settings. We remind you that this work of art is the culmination of the finest craftsmanship. If you want your living room to shine, make it special and adventurous.

Empire by Luxxu

Empire center table can give your living room decor an extraordinary and distinctive look, thanks to its extravagant shape of refinement and style. If you want a perfect combination of modern and luxurious ambiance, this masterpiece surely will be your best friend. A center table full of glamour, the Empire has no match when it comes to style! Surely it will give the perfect balance to any living room decor, thanks to its finest and exclusive design.


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